Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Glass of Wine --- To Your Health!

A Glass of Wine --- To Your Health!

Most people appreciate wine for its delicious and complex taste. But did you know wine could be healthy for you?

The New England Journal of Medicine reported in Volume 341, Number 21 that drinking a glass of wine at least once a day can reduce the risk of having a stroke. Red Wine in particular, but both red and white wines act in a way that clears out the arteries. The alcohol itself breaks up blood clots, while the wine also increases the amount of HDL ("good" cholesterol) in the bloodstream.

Red wine has polyphenols and in general are found to lower total cholesterol, and also improve the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol. Wine could lower blood pressure, lessen risks of cancer, stimulate the immune system, and has some anti-bacterial properties.
Further, Newsweek reported that wine could have some ulcer prevention proprieties. A May 99 article reported that a study showed how wine helps prevent ulcers. In a study of 1800 people, the scientists tested for the presence of helico bacterpylori, which causes ulcer infections. People who drink two glasses of wine a day had 18% less, and those who drank 3 or more glasses had 1/3 fewer of the bacteria that can cause ulcers.

A few glasses of wine a day can also help reduce some types of cancer. Wine contains resveratrol that helps suppress cancer. The red grapes that go into red wine also have bioflavonoids, which are antioxidants and help prevent the start of some cancers.
In 1999 it was reported that in the United States, only 16% of American adults consume wine. In 1997 the average American consumed 22 gallons of beer, 23 .5 gallons of coffee, 53 gallons of soft drinks--and only two gallons of wine per year, whereas, the French consume 15.9 gallons of wine per capita per year. Would US adults be healthier if we drank more wine?
The French scientist, Serge Renaud, whose findings appeared in the journal Epidemiology, showed the world, that wine is good for the heart. He has a new discovery: Two to three glasses of wine a day reduces death rates from all causes by up to 30 percent.

So have a Glass of Wine to Your Health!
Cheers from Veramar Vineyard
Jim Bogaty

Caveat: I am NOT a doctor. For detailed answers about how wine will affect you given your medical condition and lifestyle, PLEASE contact your family doctor.